Thursday, November 21, 2013

Talking about Yourself....!!

In a survey, around the globe, by anonymous, it was inferred that people around us can be divided into various groups or ethnics depending upon the conversations they have, in their daily lives. The conclusions of this research were quite interesting. They found that , in a nut shell, the first group of these people are those who love to talk about themselves. And surprisingly, this was the group contributing the major portion of their classification. Almost, 55-60 % were such people around the world. They say, these people love to talk about it as it give them a feeling of esteem and being high. When they talk  about it, they feel good doing it. Its a dope to them. Technically and scientifically and more specifically speaking, doing this activates a special portion in their brain, called the mesolimbic part. This part is very exciting. It gives you pleasure to do anything you want to do, hence also called as the reward and motivation system. Dopamine being the major player here. So, it means that if they are talking about themselves all the time to their friends, actually dopamine is been in excess in their synapses of mesolimbic system, pushing them in a direction to praise themselves and feel excited
about it. 

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